
A Glimpse Into My Studio...

So many new necklaces hang on my shelf... waiting to be taken to the Motokitty Trunk Show on Friday. Whatever's left after that will be up on Etsy this weekend. (p.s. There are a ton of new locket designs!)


Motokitty Trunk Show!

Come to the trunk show at Motokitty this Friday, November 23rd from 6-9. It's going to be a fun little christmas shopping party! I'm setting up shop with Bishop Lennon (as seen above and at: http://www.bishop-art.com) along side the fabulous motokitty/ modified wares. (Located next to Genies on SE Division between 11th and 12th aves).

(The date was changed from November 30th...)


Flickr Favorites

I just joined flickr... (as if i needed another website to get endlessly sucked into)... i've been finding so many amazing artists and images on there. Some of my favorites are below... (And if you'd like to check out my images please visit:

http://flickr.com/photos/papertreasure/ )

Titled "sumi showpaper". Posted by Lukey Dargons.

Titled, "Lupita." Posted by A Bird In The Hand (Lisa Congdon of Rare Device)

Detail of a silkscreen print by Providence artist, Pipi Zornoza. Hung as part of "The New Witch" exhibit at Paper Boat Boutique in WI.

Soap and screenprinted box made by Providence artist, Zander Marro for Paper Boat Boutiques show, "The New Witch."

Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching's House. Posted by Indie Craft Documentary.

Holiday Show Schedule

Get your pencils out... mark these dates:

1. Motokitty Trunk Show.

(Eight Weeks of Christmas... Running one designer trunk show each thursday or friday until the week of christmas. Will begin the second week of November. After Hours at Motokitty in Portland). Date and specifics to be announced.

2. Crafty Wonderland.

Sunday, November 11th. 11-4. At The Doug Fir Lounge on Burnside in Portland. Come get some holiday shopping done early! (special sale prices and new work!)

3. Rebel Rabbit Holiday Sale.

Sunday, December 9th. 12-5. At Hipbone Studio, 1847 E. Burnside in Portland. Holiday shopping extravaganza!

4. Etsy Holiday/ Solstice Sale.

Saturday, December 22nd. 8-4. At PSU with the last PSU Farmer's Market of the season. Sponsored by the PSU Women's Studies group. Come support your local etsy artisans. Last minute shoppers, this one's for you!